Character Name Generator - Beasts of Chaos

Character Name Generator - Beasts of Chaos

This one has been a long time coming! Despite being a faction that I’ve loved since my earliest years in the hobby, and despite them being an army that I actually collect and play with, the poor Beasts of Chaos are the last of the major Age of Sigmar factions to get a character name generator. Weird innit?

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Character Name Generator - Corvus Cabal

Character Name Generator - Corvus Cabal

Look, what’s that up there? Is it a bird? Is it a plane (of existence)? No, it’s a stealthy, murderous cultist covered in feathers and filth. Probably guano. Fly! FLY MY PRETTIES! Ahem. So yeah, this name generator is perfect for naming your Corvus Cabal characters,

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Army Name Generator - Beasts of Chaos

Army Name Generator - Beasts of Chaos

Do you hear the call of Morghur, my friends? Do you hear the daemoniac bleating of his foul essence from within the Realm of Chaos? Hey, me too! That probably explains the spawning of this week’s Beasts of Chaos army name generator for Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

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Painting Tutorial: Realistic Skeletons

Painting Tutorial: Realistic Skeletons

This week I’ve been experimenting with painting realistic skeletons and bone. That meant looking at a lot of reference images of ancient mummies and desiccated corpses. The final look is the culmination of that macabre research. The good news is that this naturalistic look is actually quite easy to achieve.

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Age of Sigmar: Best of the Web, October 2018

Age of Sigmar: Best of the Web, October 2018

Welcome to the inaugural ‘Best of the Web’ - a digest of the amazing work of talented Warhammer Age of Sigmar hobbyists that you may have missed in October 2018, gathered together in one place.

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The Hobbyist's Review: Beasts of Chaos Battletome

The Hobbyist's Review: Beasts of Chaos Battletome

For me, one of the most exciting things about a new army, faction or battletome is the opportunity to put my own stamp on the models in creative ways. The Hobbyist’s Review series will review Age of Sigmar battletomes based on the scope and opportunity they offer for the creative hobbyist.

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