Army Name Generator - Nighthaunt

Army Name Generator - Nighthaunt

I like the idea that an army’s name should tell a story and, to me, names like ‘The Vestiges of Deathless Malice’ and ‘The Slenderghasts of the Mirrored Crypt’ do just that. They’re evocative, hinting at the dark and intriguing history that led to the army becoming what it is today, or what its motivations might be.

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Character Name Generator - Deathrattle Wights

Character Name Generator - Deathrattle Wights

Deathrattle Wight Kings can be fascinating, deep and complex characters, boasting storied histories even before the cold hand of death came to claim them. They have so much storytelling potential both on and off the tabletop, and I hope this name generator does them justice.

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Character Name Generator - Nighthaunt

Character Name Generator - Nighthaunt

This week’s brand new character name generator is here! You chose Nighthaunt by a significant margin in last week’s poll, and Nighthaunt you shall have. You’ll find it oozing with dark foreboding and macabre implied backstories for your Nighthaunt characters.

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Painting Tutorial: Realistic Skeletons

Painting Tutorial: Realistic Skeletons

This week I’ve been experimenting with painting realistic skeletons and bone. That meant looking at a lot of reference images of ancient mummies and desiccated corpses. The final look is the culmination of that macabre research. The good news is that this naturalistic look is actually quite easy to achieve.

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A Warband Story: The Ravenous Pilgrims - Part 1

A Warband Story: The Ravenous Pilgrims - Part 1

When the Flesh-eater Courts battletome emerged I was inspired. Here was a concept that fused all the morbid horror of the undead with the heraldic finery of lost Bretonnia - and in a spectacularly original and gory fashion. This army is a converter's dream.

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